
  1. P

    For Sale Moody 38 (2000 series), Blue Rider

    Portsmouth berthed alongside. £93,000 listed. Discounted pricing is possible for private sale depending on circumstances. As per Moody 38, (2000) series with the later specs. Built as a ‘Caledonia’ version with additional features, painted mast, leather saloon seats, furling main. Additionally...
  2. B

    Moody 38 (90s) M38 Owners in the Netherlands

    Dear fellow Dutch owners or owners moored in NL, Do we have someone with an M38 moored in NL that would allow a moody-fan visitor? I'm really keen to see a M38 from the inside. I've studied all details of photos, drawings, and documents from this friendly association. Thank you a ton for that...