Hi Hayley,
Not a lot of the 39 have been produced. We have a 1981 Moody 40, a design (successor?) based on the 39.
A couple of survey pointers:
Make tons of photo's, even detailphoto's of everything. Thrust your nose for a mold or diesel smell.
We had a wobbly skeg which we reinforced.
The structural ribs underneath the floor have wood in them but the draining holes between compartments allow standing water to soak in the wood.
Keelbolts might be steel(original)
The fuel tank originally is steel
Chainplates are subject to water ingress if the deckplates' sealant failed.(recommend checking if the owner lets you)
Around the steering gland for salt water ingress because the gland is also "the bearing", might have been something is added later to beefy things up/support.
Wood was used underneath the mast, both inside the deck part where the mast is stand on(so you might see cracks around the base, from leaking electrical connections) aswell as inside the cabin, where it is standing on the keel.
I would open up all the floorboards, also the ones in the cabinets if you can. We found there are some compartments that don't drain, so if water acumulates if leaves damage.
If any other questions, fire away. Our boat is a little bit different but mostly the same
We are very happy with our Moody, they are very spacious making them good liveaboards!