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Wanted Moody S31 Bilge Keel

Gerald Davies

Gerald Davies
Boat name
Boat type
Moody 29
Cruising area
English Channel
Hi I am looking for a moody s31 bilge keel tiller steer
If anyone has one for sale please contact myself via email geralddavies56@gmail.com
Hi Gerald,
I have a 1996 S31 “Calista. She is in vgc with a lot of extra equipment & important stuff recently updated. I have owned her for 5 years.
At the moment I am a little undecided about selling - I broke my neck last October & at the time of writing I may/may not be able to sail again.
At present she is lying in Plymouth. I’m not sure if you are still searching? John
Hi John
Thank you for your response.
I am sad to hear of your injury and am wishing you a full recovery. Yes I am still looking for S31 Bilge Keel if you are considering selling please could you send me more information and maybe some
photographs. Look forward to hearing from you.